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Tharus are indigenous people who have settled across many districts in the Terai and inner Terai regions of Nepal. Nawalpur district’s population is mostly Tharu, Magar, Brahmin, and Thakuri. The Tharu people are creative individuals who incorporate art into all aspects of their lives, from the architecture of their homes to the food they eat. UCV strives to preserve and share Nawalpur’s Tharu culture and art.

Gaam means village in Nawalpur’s Tharu language. Tharu Gaam delivers an authentic experience for visitors through cuisine, art, and artefacts that integrally represent the lives and stories of Nawalpur’s Tharu community. It is an inviting open space created for an immersive local cultural experience. Tharu Gaam is a living Tharu museum where one can encounter forgotten lifestyles, traditional practises, festivals, stories, languages, customs, and cuisines.

Welcome to Unnati Cultural Village